Door de ogen van de antropoloog: observeren op de werkvloer

Leonie Siepman werkt al enige tijd als professional bij een management consultancy, maar is haar studie Culturele antropologie nog lang niet vergeten. Zo heeft ze haar eigen onderneming (T-Wist) in het verkopen van bitjes voor hockeyers en rugbyspelers in zowel Nederland als Oeganda. Daarnaast houdt ze ervan om haar antropologische bril in te zetten binnen […]

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Home sweet home? How we deal with our return from the field

Niaan Pereboom recently graduated from Aarhus University in Denmark, where she studied Human Security. For her fieldwork, Niaan worked for an Embassy in Belgrade and simultaneously conducted research for her master thesis, which offered insights into the influence of international actors in the promotion of transitional justice. Home sweet home? How we deal with our […]

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Intersectional account of Ethiopian women’s circular migration

Dusit Abdi Ali recently obtained her master’s degree from the Department of Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology at Uppsala University in Sweden. She wrote her master thesis about the migration and re-migration of Ethiopian domestic workers, which includes interviews held with twelve women. In this article, Dusit will elaborate on the (intersectional) findings of her master […]

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Working in the field: How to be an ethnographer and volunteer

This blog is a second in the series of the experiences with fieldwork of Janne. The first blog discussed the personal challenges of doing fieldwork. This blog is based on an ethnographic account of welfare advice work in Manchester, North East England. In the United Kingdom, welfare reforms, budget cuts in public service sector, and […]

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Omgekeerde wereld in ‘Je ne suis pas un homme facile’

Niaan heeft haar bachelor culturele antropologie en ontwikkelingssociologie behaald aan de Radboud Universiteit en is onlangs afgestudeerd voor haar master Human Security aan Aarhus University in Denemarken. Voor schreef Niaan een korte recensie over de Franse film Je ne suis pas un homme facile. Omgekeerde wereld in ‘Je ne suis pas un homme facile‘ […]

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Following The Anthropologist

How do you explain climate change to a lay person? Do you show images of melting ice caps and withered landscapes? Or numbers and charts that explain the effects of polluted air and changing temperatures? Sure, you would be able to make a solid case, but chances are that your audience has tuned out before […]

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Politiek, nationalisme en religie: de spanningsvelden in Ethiopië

Vincent den Hengst is een antropologische duizendpoot. Van onderzoek naar hiphop in Rotterdam Delfshaven naar onderzoek in Ethiopië. Zijn nieuwsgierigheid trekt hem vandaag de dag steeds meer richting zaken van ‘inheemse volken’. In dit artikel gaat Vincent in op de zaken van Ethiopische ‘inheemse volken’, maar dan in relatie tot de penibele politieke situatie in […]

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After her bachelor in Cultural Anthropology, Linda Sloane went on to study Social Policy and Social Interventions at the University of Utrecht. Her primary interests lie in integration, intercultural communication and visual anthropology, which are closely connected to the subject of the DIY documentary that Linda writes about in this review.  ‘LESVOS: BEAUTIFUL PRISON’ – […]

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