Nederland en haar ‘multiculturele samenleving’?

In het licht van de globale golf aan protesten naar aanleiding van de dood van de zwarte Amerikaanse man George Floyd reflecteert Hilde Beune op de positie van Nederland in de discussie over racisme. Nederland wordt vaak geprezen voor haar ‘multiculturele samenleving’, maar is dit wel terecht? Auteur: Hilde Beune Spandoeken met teksten als ‘stop […]

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Time to Talk: An Anthropological Reflection on #BLM

Organized for students – by students In order to create a safe place to discuss these sensitive and complex topics, the link for the Zoom meeting will be posted on Canvas for students at the UvA. See the Facebook event for more information: The UvA’s Anthropology Program Committee would like to wholeheartedly invite Anthropology […]

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A call to action

The protests around the world against racism, police violence and white supremacy spark much needed conversations. This blog calls to critically look at, and change, our own practices as anthropologists in the Netherlands and at Leiden University. Authors: Anouk de Koning and Jasmijn Rana The increase of race-based violence and the death of George Floyd […]

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ABv Statement on the Black Lives Matter protests

Written by the Dutch association of anthropologists (ABv) The Dutch association of anthropologists (ABv) stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movements, black and people of colour (POC) communities in the U.S.A., in the Netherlands and worldwide that are subjected to racist violence. We deplore violence unleashed on them by police and security forces. […]

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