Blogreeks Antropologen@work

Iedere maand kun je de blogreeks ‘Antropologen@work’ online volgen via onze kanalen. In deze nieuwe reeks krijg je simpel en snel een inkijkje in het werk van antropologen in Nederland en daarbuiten. Antropologen@work is een samenwerking tussen LaSSA, Tijdschrift Cul en de Antropologen Beroepsvereniging. Blog #1 is een gesprek met Anne Kennes (26), zij werkt […]

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‘De enige vrienden van de Koerden zijn hun bergen’

In de prijswinnende documentaire ‘Sidik en de Panter’ neemt Reber Dosky de kijker mee naar zijn vaderland en laat ons kennismaken met Sidik, die al 25 jaar op zoek is naar een panter. Als de panter terugkeert zal het gebied als nationaal park beschermd worden en komt er eindelijk een einde aan de bombardementen en […]

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The Multicultural Society

Since the killing of Black American George Floyd, the world has seen a wave of protests against institutional racism. Hilde Beune reflects on the Dutch position in this debate. The Netherlands is often praised for their ‘multicultural society’, but to what extent does it embrace cultural plurality within it’s borders? Author: Hilde Beune Banners emboldened […]

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Nederland en haar ‘multiculturele samenleving’?

In het licht van de globale golf aan protesten naar aanleiding van de dood van de zwarte Amerikaanse man George Floyd reflecteert Hilde Beune op de positie van Nederland in de discussie over racisme. Nederland wordt vaak geprezen voor haar ‘multiculturele samenleving’, maar is dit wel terecht? Auteur: Hilde Beune Spandoeken met teksten als ‘stop […]

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A call to action

The protests around the world against racism, police violence and white supremacy spark much needed conversations. This blog calls to critically look at, and change, our own practices as anthropologists in the Netherlands and at Leiden University. Authors: Anouk de Koning and Jasmijn Rana The increase of race-based violence and the death of George Floyd […]

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Covid in the 20s

Piero Miranda-Carrillo is a researcher and politically engaged Peruvian. He studied Political Science at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and holds a master’s degree in Anthropology from PUCP. He worked as a government councillor for the San Miguel district in 2015-2018, and did his fieldwork research on urban citizens in relation to participation, culture, sports, […]

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Experiences volunteering at EMRIP for Docip

Indigenous peoples’ rights issues seem to be on the outer fringe of the everyday news in most of the western world. In the non-Western world, the matter is different. There are over 350 million people considered to be part of one of the world’s indigenous peoples. Mostly they live in remote areas rich in natural […]

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‘Us versus them’ in the process of integration

Niaan Pereboom holds a bachelor in Cultural Anthropology and Development Studies and a master in Human Security. Niaan currently works in the role of a (qualitative) research manager for a global research company. Before, she lived in Denmark and worked here as an assistant for an organization that deals with the integration of refugees in […]

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