Remote Ethnography: Doing Anthropology Digitally | ABv & LaSSA Webinar #1

The first webinar took place on Wednesday 20 January 2021. You can watch the recording here.  The Antropologen Beroepsvereniging (ABv) (Dutch association of anthropologists) and Landelijke Samenwerking Studenten Antropologie (LaSSA) (Dutch network of anthropology students) jointly organize the webinar “Remote Ethnography: Doing Anthropology Digitally”, the first episode in the ABv Webinar Series. The corona pandemic has […]

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Home sweet home? How we deal with our return from the field

Niaan Pereboom recently graduated from Aarhus University in Denmark, where she studied Human Security. For her fieldwork, Niaan worked for an Embassy in Belgrade and simultaneously conducted research for her master thesis, which offered insights into the influence of international actors in the promotion of transitional justice. Home sweet home? How we deal with our […]

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The challenges of doing fieldwork: when your academic skills are not enough

Janne Heederik is a PhD Candidate at the Radboud University of Nijmegen and studied Cultural Anthropology in Utrecht. Her research focuses on issues of welfare, citizenship, migration, and social justice. You can find out more about Janne’s current research project on the website of Anthrobrokers. It is August 2015 and I have just arrived in San […]

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What if they were really extreme?

Hayate Ait Bouzid is a former Master student Anthropology at the VU who did her fieldwork research on the environmental behaviour of middle-class people in Brunei Darussalam. A country that is barely known by the large public or at best misconceived. She is sharing her story about how the preconceived view of Brunei made her […]

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On how anthropology never leaves you: Climate change and flooding in Dar es Salaam

Femke Gubbels studied Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology in Leiden and graduated in 2014. After a year of working she pursued a MSc in Urbanisation and Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science. For her thesis, she conducted fieldwork in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. In this blog she shares her experience and […]

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