Anthropology Day 2022: Crisis of Truth
Anthropology Day 2022

On Friday 20 May 2022 (10.30-18.30), the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) organizes its annual Dag van de Antropologie. This year’s theme is Crisis of Truth. The Anthropology Day will take place face-to-face in Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden. You can buy your ticket via this link(Ticketkantoor). The ABv is looking forward to welcome you all. During the […]

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Follow the Science? | panel session 2 Anthropology Day 2022

Follow the Science? Panel discussion with Annemarie Samuels, Danny de Vries, and Stuart Blume, organized by Andrew Littlejohn. Debates over social and political responses to COVID-19 often feature calls to “follow the science.” But which science or sciences should we follow, and how? The virus is a social phenomenon spread through contact between people and […]

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De tsunami als teken van God

Interview met Annemarie Samuels Overlevenden van de tsunami die in 2004 grote delen van de Indonesische provincie Atjeh verwoestte, zien de ramp als een act of God. Volgens vele Atjehers wilde God met de tsunami een eind maken aan het jarenlange bloederige geweld in de regio, zo schrijft cultureel antropoloog Annemarie Samuels in haar proefschrift After […]

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