Crisis of Truth | theme Anthropology Day 2022
Anthropology Day 2022

On Friday 20 May 2022 (10.30-18.30), the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) organizes its yearly Dag van de Antropologie (Anthropology Day). This year’s theme is Crisis of Truth. The Anthropology Day will take place face-to-face in Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden. You can buy your ticket via this link. The ABv is looking forward to welcome you all. Crisis of […]

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Studying and Teaching Anthropology in Times of COVID-19: Experiences and Best Practices | ABv & LaSSA Webinar #2

On Monday 17 May 2021 from 17:00 to 18:30 on Zoom The Antropologen Beroepsvereniging (ABv) (Dutch association of anthropologists) and Landelijke Samenwerking Studenten Antropologie (LaSSA) (Dutch network of anthropology students) jointly organize the webinar “Studying and Teaching Anthropology in Times of COVID-19: Experiences and Best Practices“, the second episode in the ABv Webinar Series. COVID-19 […]

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Covid in the 20s

Piero Miranda-Carrillo is a researcher and politically engaged Peruvian. He studied Political Science at Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and holds a master’s degree in Anthropology from PUCP. He worked as a government councillor for the San Miguel district in 2015-2018, and did his fieldwork research on urban citizens in relation to participation, culture, sports, […]

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