The contested future of anthropology

Anthropology Day 2019, a collaboration with the Research Center for Material Culture, was about FUTURES, focusing on the anthropology of the future and the future of anthropology. What futures do anthropologists imagine and strive for? What are the implicit and explicit agendas and ambitions for the future in the work of anthropologists (e.g., decolonization, sustainability, equality)? […]

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FUTURE | Ton Salman | Speech

On Friday June 7th 2019, the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) once again organized the annual “Anthropology Day”. This time the overarching theme was “the anthropology of the future and the future of anthropology”. The event took place at the National Museum of Ethnology (Museum Volkenkunde) in Leiden. Once again it was a success, with nearly […]

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Anthropology Day 2019 | New Insights Shared

FUTURES Anthropology of the future and the future of anthropology June 7th | Anthropology Day 2019 | New Insights were shared PROGRAM  This year’s Anthropology Day, a collaboration with the Research Center for Material Culture, will be about FUTURES, focusing on the anthropology of the future and the future of anthropology. The future is an emerging […]

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Contested Histories and the Future of Anthropology

Contested Histories and the Future of Anthropology Roundtable | Anthropology Day 2019 | How do we position ourselves in a scientific field that has been founded in and has been complicit in colonial enterprise? How do these past allegiances and their legacies put the core of the discipline into question? Since Writing Culture (Clifford and […]

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Final Panel

Anthropologists Engage the future Closing Panel | Anthropology Day 2019 | “During the final panel of this day, we ask anthropologists working in different fields to reflect on their professional engagement with the future. The four speakers will not present their own work as such, but rather engage in a conversation on how they, as […]

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Discussing the study of the future in anthropology

Discussing the study of the future in anthropology Paper Panel | Anthropology Day 2019 | This panel will focus on the theme of the Anthropology Day, futures. The future is an emerging field for anthropology. It can be situated in the turn from “dark anthropology” toward the good and hope (Ortner 2016). But it also […]

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Energy Futures

Energy Futures! Een ronde tafel gesprek | Anthropology Day 2019 | Gasvrije wijken, het klimaatakkoord, aardbevingen in Groningen, protest tegen windmolens in Drenthe, futuristische wijken, nul-op-de-meter, klimaatontkenners, rechtszaak tegen Shell, klimaatmars, ‘wie gaat dat betalen, de energietransitie’?, fake news!, de rol van woningcorporaties in de energie-transitie … Elke dag komen er talloze (nieuws) items langs […]

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