Anthropology Day 2023 – Keynote lectures

Keynote lecture ‘Anthropological Strategies for Reimagining the Digital’ – Rodrigo Ochigame Since the 1980s, anthropologists have developed multiple strategies for reimagining digital technologies. They have examined the unintended effects of new technologies; exposed the implicit assumptions of designers and engineers; collaborated with computer programmers, activists, hackers, and free and open-source software advocates; and explored the […]

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Anthropology Day 2023: Reimagining the Digital
Anthropology Day 2023

On Friday 12 May 2023 (10.00-18.30), the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) organizes its annual Anthropology Day at Museum Volkenkunde (Leiden). This year’s theme is ‘Reimagining the Digital’. Please sign up here. We look forward to seeing you in Leiden! Digital technologies have become matters of life and death. We live at a time when robots […]

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