The Future of Visual Anthropology 

The Future of Visual Anthropology  Visual Presentations | Anthropology Day 2019 | This session will look at the future of Visual Anthropology in the Netherlands. In a disciplinary sense, looking at different and innovative ways of doing Visual Anthropology and at future developments and possibilities, and in a more personal sense, giving the floor to […]

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Contested Histories and the Future of Anthropology

Contested Histories and the Future of Anthropology Roundtable | Anthropology Day 2019 | How do we position ourselves in a scientific field that has been founded in and has been complicit in colonial enterprise? How do these past allegiances and their legacies put the core of the discipline into question? Since Writing Culture (Clifford and […]

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Student art and anthropology installation

Student art and anthropology installation Installation | Anthropology Day 2019 | What if we try to demedicalize dementia? Considering dementia as a new stage of life. When human beings are not fully able to adapt to the structures of life anymore, life needs to be more carefully adapted to them; where there is still room […]

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Dreaming about futures of anthropology teaching

Dreaming about futures of anthropology teaching Workshop | Anthropology Day 2019 | In this workshop, we hope to collectively dream about and play with alternative ways of teaching anthropology. Kristine Krause (University of Amsterdam) invites participants to experience alternative forms of teaching and learning together that draw on theatre practices. How can we create other […]

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Final Panel

Anthropologists Engage the future Closing Panel | Anthropology Day 2019 | “During the final panel of this day, we ask anthropologists working in different fields to reflect on their professional engagement with the future. The four speakers will not present their own work as such, but rather engage in a conversation on how they, as […]

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Discussing the study of the future in anthropology

Discussing the study of the future in anthropology Paper Panel | Anthropology Day 2019 | This panel will focus on the theme of the Anthropology Day, futures. The future is an emerging field for anthropology. It can be situated in the turn from “dark anthropology” toward the good and hope (Ortner 2016). But it also […]

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Energy Futures

Energy Futures! Een ronde tafel gesprek | Anthropology Day 2019 | Gasvrije wijken, het klimaatakkoord, aardbevingen in Groningen, protest tegen windmolens in Drenthe, futuristische wijken, nul-op-de-meter, klimaatontkenners, rechtszaak tegen Shell, klimaatmars, ‘wie gaat dat betalen, de energietransitie’?, fake news!, de rol van woningcorporaties in de energie-transitie … Elke dag komen er talloze (nieuws) items langs […]

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Arbeidsmarkt zoekt antropoloog

Arbeidsmarkt zoekt antropoloog Workshop | Anthropology Day 2019 | Voor dit jaar’s Dag van de Antropologie heeft de werkgroep Arbeidsmarkt een workshop voorbereid! Hoe ziet de functieomschrijving eruit waarin de kwaliteiten van antropologen worden gevraagd? Als we naar de huidige arbeidsmarkt kijken kunnen we daar een beeld van vormen. Echter, de arbeidsmarkt verandert continu dus […]

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