Remote Ethnography: Doing Anthropology Digitally | ABv & LaSSA Webinar #1

The first webinar took place on Wednesday 20 January 2021. You can watch the recording here.  The Antropologen Beroepsvereniging (ABv) (Dutch association of anthropologists) and Landelijke Samenwerking Studenten Antropologie (LaSSA) (Dutch network of anthropology students) jointly organize the webinar “Remote Ethnography: Doing Anthropology Digitally”, the first episode in the ABv Webinar Series. The corona pandemic has […]

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Final Panel

Anthropologists Engage the future Closing Panel | Anthropology Day 2019 | “During the final panel of this day, we ask anthropologists working in different fields to reflect on their professional engagement with the future. The four speakers will not present their own work as such, but rather engage in a conversation on how they, as […]

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Energy Futures

Energy Futures! Een ronde tafel gesprek | Anthropology Day 2019 | Gasvrije wijken, het klimaatakkoord, aardbevingen in Groningen, protest tegen windmolens in Drenthe, futuristische wijken, nul-op-de-meter, klimaatontkenners, rechtszaak tegen Shell, klimaatmars, ‘wie gaat dat betalen, de energietransitie’?, fake news!, de rol van woningcorporaties in de energie-transitie … Elke dag komen er talloze (nieuws) items langs […]

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Dag van de Antropologie 2017: Solidarity!

On Friday May 19, the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) organizes its yearly “Dag van de Antropologie/Anthropology Day”. This year’s theme is Solidarity! Solidarity is a key theme in today’s world, marked as it is by various crises induced by war, climate change and economic inequalities. In this interactive day of presentations and discussions, we explore […]

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