Accessibility of Science: Student Perspectives | panel session 1 Anthropology Day 2022
Accessibility of Science

Organized by LaSSA In this panel we argue that the crisis of truth should be understood in relation to a crisis of knowledge production. While much effort is being made in ‘opening’ science, for instance by providing open access publications, by disseminating scientific knowledge to a broader audience, or by mass enrolment in the universities, […]

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Anthropology Day 2022: Crisis of Truth
Anthropology Day 2022

On Friday 20 May 2022 (10.30-18.30), the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) organizes its annual Dag van de Antropologie. This year’s theme is Crisis of Truth. The Anthropology Day will take place face-to-face in Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden. You can buy your ticket via this link(Ticketkantoor). The ABv is looking forward to welcome you all. During the […]

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Follow the Science? | panel session 2 Anthropology Day 2022

Follow the Science? Panel discussion with Annemarie Samuels, Danny de Vries, and Stuart Blume, organized by Andrew Littlejohn. Debates over social and political responses to COVID-19 often feature calls to “follow the science.” But which science or sciences should we follow, and how? The virus is a social phenomenon spread through contact between people and […]

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Crisis of Truth | theme Anthropology Day 2022
Anthropology Day 2022

On Friday 20 May 2022 (10.30-18.30), the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) organizes its yearly Dag van de Antropologie (Anthropology Day). This year’s theme is Crisis of Truth. The Anthropology Day will take place face-to-face in Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden. You can buy your ticket via this link. The ABv is looking forward to welcome you all. Crisis of […]

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