Activist Teaching | ABv webinar #4

On Thursday 8 December 2022, ABv organises a webinar on Activist Teaching.   How to infuse students with hope and agency, when teaching about issues of injustice, privilege, and power? How to make options for counterhegemonic action visible in the classroom? Can teaching be a way of doing activism? How can reflexive learning be an avenue […]

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The frictions and tensions of reorienting ethnography in the post-truth era | keynote lecture Anthropology Day 2022

The frictions and tensions of reorienting ethnography in the post-truth era Keynote lecture by Bram Büscher (WUR). Discussant: Rebeca Ibanez Martin (UvA, Meertens Institute) You can watch the keynote via this link. It is time for anthropology to (re)claim truth. Or at the very least to render truth productive. The rise of post-truth and the truth of […]

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Crisis of Truth | theme Anthropology Day 2022
Anthropology Day 2022

On Friday 20 May 2022 (10.30-18.30), the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) organizes its yearly Dag van de Antropologie (Anthropology Day). This year’s theme is Crisis of Truth. The Anthropology Day will take place face-to-face in Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden. You can buy your ticket via this link. The ABv is looking forward to welcome you all. Crisis of […]

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Bootcamp: Ethnography and Design

Are you a(n) (almost) graduate of anthropology or qualitative social science? Are you wondering how to explain to a future employer what you have to offer, or do you have inhibitions about whether working in industry, government or NGO’s is right for you as a nuanced researcher? Namla can help you! Namla is an initiative […]

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Studying and Teaching Anthropology in Times of COVID-19: Experiences and Best Practices | ABv & LaSSA Webinar #2

On Monday 17 May 2021 from 17:00 to 18:30 on Zoom The Antropologen Beroepsvereniging (ABv) (Dutch association of anthropologists) and Landelijke Samenwerking Studenten Antropologie (LaSSA) (Dutch network of anthropology students) jointly organize the webinar “Studying and Teaching Anthropology in Times of COVID-19: Experiences and Best Practices“, the second episode in the ABv Webinar Series. COVID-19 […]

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The contested future of anthropology

Anthropology Day 2019, a collaboration with the Research Center for Material Culture, was about FUTURES, focusing on the anthropology of the future and the future of anthropology. What futures do anthropologists imagine and strive for? What are the implicit and explicit agendas and ambitions for the future in the work of anthropologists (e.g., decolonization, sustainability, equality)? […]

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FUTURE | Ton Salman | Speech

On Friday June 7th 2019, the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) once again organized the annual “Anthropology Day”. This time the overarching theme was “the anthropology of the future and the future of anthropology”. The event took place at the National Museum of Ethnology (Museum Volkenkunde) in Leiden. Once again it was a success, with nearly […]

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Autoriteit aan het woord

Drie departementshoofden over de meerwaarde van antropologie Antropologen bevinden zich in een lastige positie: in academische kringen vreemd voetvolk, naar de maatschappij toe verloren in een ivoren toren. Daarom gaan wij middels de rubriek ‘Wat is antropologie?’ op zoek naar antwoorden die ons helpen deze brede discipline te duiden. Niet alleen voor onszelf, maar ook […]

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