Anthropology Day 2022: Crisis of Truth
Anthropology Day 2022

On Friday 20 May 2022 (10.30-18.30), the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) organizes its annual Dag van de Antropologie. This year’s theme is Crisis of Truth. The Anthropology Day will take place face-to-face in Museum Volkenkunde, Leiden. You can buy your ticket via this link(Ticketkantoor). The ABv is looking forward to welcome you all. During the […]

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ABv Statement on the Black Lives Matter protests

Written by the Dutch association of anthropologists (ABv) The Dutch association of anthropologists (ABv) stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movements, black and people of colour (POC) communities in the U.S.A., in the Netherlands and worldwide that are subjected to racist violence. We deplore violence unleashed on them by police and security forces. […]

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The contested future of anthropology

Anthropology Day 2019, a collaboration with the Research Center for Material Culture, was about FUTURES, focusing on the anthropology of the future and the future of anthropology. What futures do anthropologists imagine and strive for? What are the implicit and explicit agendas and ambitions for the future in the work of anthropologists (e.g., decolonization, sustainability, equality)? […]

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Anthropology Day 2019 | New Insights Shared

FUTURES Anthropology of the future and the future of anthropology June 7th | Anthropology Day 2019 | New Insights were shared PROGRAM  This year’s Anthropology Day, a collaboration with the Research Center for Material Culture, will be about FUTURES, focusing on the anthropology of the future and the future of anthropology. The future is an emerging […]

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Dag van de Antropologie 2017: Solidarity!

On Friday May 19, the Dutch Anthropological Association (ABv) organizes its yearly “Dag van de Antropologie/Anthropology Day”. This year’s theme is Solidarity! Solidarity is a key theme in today’s world, marked as it is by various crises induced by war, climate change and economic inequalities. In this interactive day of presentations and discussions, we explore […]

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Key-note Halleh Ghorashi

Tijdens het twee-jaarlijkse ABv-congres zal Halleh Ghorashi, bijzonder hoogleraar Management van Diversiteit en Integratie aan de Vrije Universiteit, op zaterdag 19 november aanstaande een key-note lezing verzorgen met als titel ‘Antropologie in tijden van groeiende onzekerheid’. Grote sociologen (Bauman, Beck en Giddens) beschrijven het ontstaan van extreem individualisme als de belangrijkste ontwikkeling in de westerse […]

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ABv-congres 2011: Toekomstbeelden

Op vrijdag 18 en zaterdag 19 november 2011 is het weer tijd voor het tweejaarlijkse ABv-congres. Dit keer is de ABv te gast bij Fort aan de klop, Utrecht. Peter Pels en Halleh Ghorashi zullen als keynote speakers het congresthema ‘Antropologie en de toekomst’ omlijsten. Keynote speakers Vrijdag 18 november: Peter Pels is als hoogleraar […]

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